Computing at Eppleton

Our computing vision, at Eppleton Academy Primary school, is to keep our pupils safe online. Each child will be able to use the Internet in a safe and respectful way. They will understand the necessary precautions to take, to stay safe and know where to seek help. We recognise the unique contribution that the use of computing in lessons makes to the motivation and effectiveness of learners in our school. Children will also utilise the Internet efficiently to enhance their learning of all subjects.

As computing is an increasing part of life today it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. We recognise that as a school we have a responsibility to prepare the pupils for their future by improving their knowledge of and understanding of how imperative technology is in the real world beyond school.

The school will strive to provide the children with up-to-date technology. All staff will be confident users and teachers of all relevant software and hardware available. Our school website will showcase the excellent work being carried out by our children.

Golden Threads in Computing: Online safety & Digital Literacy, Computer Science, Information Technology

 What would a typical Computing Lesson look like?

We use the Durham Model to aide in the delivery of the Computing curriculum. Lessons are delivered through a range of websites and Microsoft Office. Lessons are practical using the desktop PC’s, tablets and can also be in the classroom where appropriate. Children work independently, in pairs and in groups. Each class has a half termly computing week.

"At Eppleton, we aim to ensure our children have the knowledge and skills to prepare them for our ever widening technological world". 


Where are resources and lessons planned from?

Teachers use the Long-term planning from the Durham Model. We have used this model to plan bespoke units of work, within these we have planned individual lessons. Where children may have gaps, teacher are able to use the progression document to plug these gaps. There are year group specific progression documents which also link to the Durham Model and therefore the National Curriculum.

Where do we record evidence for computing?

Evidence for computing is primarily recorded in class floor books. Teachers are expected to have a range of work and evidence for each computing block. In KS2, every child is also expected to save their own work (where applicable) in their own student areas.


 How is online safety taught?  

Online safety is taught across the school. Each year group have specific units to teach. We also take part in Online Safety week and Internet Safety Day. Staff have a duty to ensure that children are safe online and that they continuously teach this within every lesson. Online Safety is also planned into out Breakout curriculum through our Breakout Sessions.



 "Children at Eppleton are given the tools to keep them selves safe whilst online through regular Online Safety and Digital Literacy Lessons". 




Computing Progression Map


Y1 Computing Planning Ideas


Y2 Computing Planning Ideas


Y3 Computing Planning Ideas


Y4 Computing Planning Ideas


Y5 Computing Planning Ideas


Y6 Computing Planning Ideas

Computing Lead

Year 5

Miss Defty

Assistant Headteacher/ Teacher / Maths Lead/ Computing Lead/ DDSL

Enjoy travelling, visiting new countries. I am a football fan, supporting Sunderland and enjoy going to gigs.

Mind Reading
Maths / Art
The Day the Crayons Quit
Loud, funny and organised