Our Approach To The Curriculum

At Eppleton Academy Primary we believe an exciting curriculum is central to how children learn and develop during their time at school. We are determined that our curriculum will be rich, broad and deep and personalised to the unique needs of our pupils. 

We follow a knowledge engaged approach, where knowledge is a focus but underpins and enables the application of skills. 

Within year groups, most subjects are taught discreetly and where appropriate, staff plan and teach lessons which link aspects of the curriculum together in a meaningful way.  We believe that this approach ensures our curriculum engages our pupils and also allows for depth of learning.  

We deliver a curriculum that prepares children for the next stage of their lives, promoting an appreciation of life in modern Britain and instilling in children a sense of the core British values to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  It is important to us that we nurture excellence and support learning for life.

At Eppleton Academy Primary School, we are committed to delivering a high quality and stimulating curriculum, that also provides opportunities for creativity, risk-taking, independence and success.   

We follow the National Curriculum with the key drivers of Raising Aspirations, Community and Levelling the Playing Field. Our schools values: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are interweaved throughout curriculum ensuring our children have a deep understanding of these.

To ensure that our aims are met effectively, all staff are continuously involved in further curriculum review and development.

 We hope that you find this curriculum information useful, if you require further information about the curriculum please contact your child's class teacher or Miss Defty (Assistant Head Teacher) for further information.


Golden Threads and End Points 

For each subject, our progression maps have been built around the aims of the National Curriculum. We have carefully chosen and sequenced the skills/ knowledge for each subject to ensure we are meeting the National Curriculum for each Key Stage/ Year Group. For each subject there are specifically identified Golden Threads. These Golden Threads are specific to each subject and help our children to build schemas in their memory as these runs from EYFS to Year 6 and help to build skills and concepts over time. Please see each subject page for subject specific Golden Threads.

In line with the National Curriculum, we have also carefully planned and sequenced the end points of learning for each subject. These end points take the form of Sticky Knowledge/ skills or summative questions. These are also clearly evident on the progression map for each subject. We use these end points to aid in our assessments for all subjects. 

Please see subject specific progression documents for sticky knowledge and end points. 

Retrieval Practice

Definition: Retrieval practice - is where bringing information to mind increases learning and retention.

Within each lesson, opportunities for the children to retrieve knowledge and learning are carefully planned for through a range of retrieval practice strategies. We have developed a range of retrieval strategies which teachers can use to give pupils opportunities to have to try and remember things they have learnt previously; things they have begun to forget. See Retrieval Practice at Eppleton, for further details.

Our Subject Pages

For more detailed information surrounding our curriculum click on the icons below.  








Personal Development




Art and Design




Design & Technology















Important Documents


Retrieval Practice at Eppleton