Health and Wellbeing

At Eppleton Academy, the wellbeing of our children is so important. We want every child to feel valued and supported. We have lots of useful information and resources available for children over on our Mental Health Matters page in the Kid's Zone. We feel it is vital children understand their own mental health and how to look after it. We have also created this Health & Wellbeing page to provide you as Parents and Carers with information and resources for you to support your child's mental health. We hope you find it useful.

Healthy Heads- Mental Health Support in School 

We have recently started working closely with Healthy Heads Mental Health Support Team who are here to support children and young people who are struggling with mild- moderate mental health difficulties. This is a team based in Sunderland and provided by South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and work with schools across Sunderland. 

Healthy Heads offer mental health and well-being support to pupils and parents/ carers as well as supporting the school with our whole school approach to mental health and well-being. This team is part of the government's initiative to transform children and young people's metal health services. They work alongside existing mental health services both within school and the wider community, improving access to interventions and reducing onward referrals. They offer EARLY intervention to help children and their families who are struggling with mild to moderate anxiety or depression. 

The team is made up of Education Mental Health practitioners, who provide a range of emotional, behavioural and psychological support to children, young people and parents. 


Healthy Heads offer:
  • 1:1 therapy and interventions for low mood, anxiety, self -esteem and OCD
  • Group therapy and intervention sessions
  • Parent Led cognitive behaviour therapy
  • Parent workshops

If you would like to know more about Healthy Heads, please visit our Health and Well-being page on our website or speak with a member of school staff. 

Healthy Heads Workshops

Healthy Heads recently delivered a Worry Workshop in school to Parents and Carers to provide useful hints and tips on how to support a child experiencing worry and anxiety.

This workshop helped parents and carers to:

  • Develop an understanding of how worry and anxiety can present in children 
  • Develop basic strategies to support parents/ carers to manage their child's worries, developing brave behaviour and to gain coping strategies
  • Understand next steps if you identify that you or your child would benefit from further support

The feedback from parents and carers, who attended this workshop, was very positive. If you feel this would be something you would be interested in taking part in, or you would like more information about Healthy Heads then please let us know. 

Our School Counsellor

Carole Stronach is our school counsellor who works at Eppleton Academy every Wednesday. Carole supports pupils who may need some extra support with their mental health and well-being. 




 Dose Magazine

Dose Magazine is an amazing website for parents, families and teachers. It provides wonderful resources and information designed to support children's mental health and well-being. You can sign up for free which will allow you to access a wide range of fun, age-related resources which can be used at home. 

Dose Magazine




Useful links for Parents/Carers to support children’s mental health & wellbeing


Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 25 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.


Anna Freud

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a children's charity dedicated to providing training & support for child mental health services

Anna Freud


MindEd for Families has advice and information from trusted experts and will help you to understand what problems occur, what you can do to best support your family, and how to take care of yourself.


NHS Every Mind Matters

Looking after a child or young person's mental health There are times when we all feel the strain. As parents and carers, there are ways we can support children and young people to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy.

NHS Every Mind Matters

BBC Bitesize

Wellbeing tips for parents to help you support a healthy, happy childhood - with advice on food, sleep, mindfulness, as well as ways to look after you and your child's mental health.

BBC Bitesize
Health and Well-being at Eppleton Academy

At Eppleton Academy, we believe it is very important to talk about feelings and emotions in order to help deal with any worries and stresses children may have. We also feel it is incredibly important to teach our pupils how to manage their own mental health and well-being. Our Personal Development curriculum is designed to give pupils the opportunity learn about feelings and emotions and also strategies and coping techniques to use when they are struggling. We want to equip our pupils with all of the skills they need to be emotionally resilient and know how to access support when needed. 

At Eppleton Academy, we also learn about mental health and well-being through assemblies and themed days and weeks such as World Mental Health day/ week and Anti-bullying week. We also teach Kidsafe in our school, which is a safeguarding programme which teaches pupils to look after themselves and keep themselves safe. 

Please see below for some of the ways we promote and support mental health and well-being:  

World Mental Health Week 2023

For World Mental Health Week 2023 we took part in some Creature Comforts well-being sessions. Amanda from Creature Comforts brought in a range of animals to work with the children. Studies show that spending time with animals can calm the mind and increase endorphins in the body, making you feel happy. The children loved spending time stroking and caring for animals such as rabbits, mice, rats, lizards, snakes and a tortoise. It was lovely to see how the animals had such a positive impact on the children and the staff.

World Mental Health Day 2024

For World Mental Health Week 2024 we discussed the theme- ‘Have your Voice Heard’. In assembly, we talked about the theme and how pupils can have the confidence to share their thoughts and feelings with trusted grown-ups. Our Well-being Ambassadors put posters around the school reminding pupils of our Trusted Grown-ups in school and to remind them we are always here to help. In Breakout sessions, the children have been learning to express their feelings and emotions through art. This creative session allowed children time to express how they are feeling through different media and materials.

Useful Information


Anna Freud- Never too young to talk about Mental Health


Mental Health Support Team- healthy Heads


Healthy Heads Information Sheet


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Health Matters

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