Eppleton Academy Primary School & Nursery ...Nurturing Excellence and Learning for Life

Our Vision...
  • At Eppleton Academy Primary School, we strive to make sure that no door is closed to you because we want you to have a life full of choice.
  • By striving for excellence, we instil in you our chosen values, high aspirations and academic ambition to be outstanding achievers and successful, global citizens.
  • By working effectively in partnership with parents, we support and nurture you in a safe environment, providing a positive foundation to foster high aspirations and develop learning for life.
  • We provide each of you with opportunities to embrace challenges through an exciting, creative and meaningful curriculum, supporting them on their individual learning journey


Our Chosen Values


*We value and care for ourselves, others and the world around us. *We demonstrate gentleness, sensitivity and kindness. *We allow ourselves and others to do and be their best. *We listen to others and take everybody’s opinions and feelings into consideration.


*We are responsible members of our school community. *We make responsible choices and decisions and understand our actions may have impact on others. *We understand we have an important role as positive citizens of the wider world.


*We understand that in life, not everything will go the way we want it to. *We persevere when things get tough and strive to remove the barriers to success *We are self aware *We take risks, overcoming the fear of failure

Our values are at the core of everything we do.

They underpin everything from our behaviour management, teaching and learning to the very conversations we have with our children. All of this helps us to provide an environment which prepares our pupils to become confident, happy citizens who are able to make a contribution to the world they live in. 

At Eppleton Academy Primary School we recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom and acknowledge our responsibility to prepare children for the world in which they will live. Therefore, in addition to our values, we teach children British Values, both through our teaching and wider activities. These are The rule of Law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and tolerance and Democracy

The rule of law

The importance of law is consistently reinforced throughout the school day in our one school rule: ‘Be responsible, Be respectful, Be safe.’ Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Class rules and charters support this and circle time is used as an opportunity to discuss situations that benefit from whole class consideration. The school has very good links with authorities such as the Police and Fire Service and topics from Reception’s ‘people who help us’ to Year 6’s 

Individual liberty

Eppleton Academy has a clear anti-bullying policy which uses restorative approaches. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our online safety work and the school council.

Mutual respect and tolerance

A hugely important one for us, which links to our school value of respect and our three school rules, which helps to create a safe, calm, happy environment for everyone. Through celebrating diversity, we teach children that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law and that it is important to identify and combat prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. Beyond tolerance, we aim to celebrate different faiths or beliefs to give children a positive view of the rich and vibrant culture that is Britain today.


We support children to develop an understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process with numerous pupil voice/consultation activities, including school council elections and pupil questionnaires.

Our Rules

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Our Drivers

Raising Aspirations

We want our pupils to have: *High aspirations for themselves and their future *Knowledge of a wide range of careers and vocations available in the world of work *Experiences linked to different job roles and careers *The opportunity to meet professionals from different career fields to learn about their career journeys and pathways *An understanding of the key skills they will need for the world of work


We want our pupils to have: *A strong sense of identity and where they are from *An understanding of their local area *Involvement in local community events *The opportunity to support the local community *A good understanding of how to be a responsible citizen in the wider world

Levelling the Playing Field

We want our pupils to have: *The best start in primary school and to be equipped with the skills that will help them flourish *Equal opportunities *Experiences and opportunities which widen their knowledge and understanding of the wider world