History at Eppleton

How do you know who you are unless you know where you’ve come from? How can you know what is going to happen, unless you know what has happened before? History is not just about the past. It is about why we are who we are and about what is next. 

At Eppleton Academy Primary, our vision is for all our children to have an understanding of the past and how this will shape their future. 

We believe the study of History inspires children’s curiosity. Pupils will be encouraged to become detectives, exploring the past in an exciting way. They will find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions. They will compare, contrast and examine why and how things have changed. 

This approach will encourage open minded enquiry thinkers who understand cause and effect- skills that are prized for adult life. 

We hope to bring History to life and make it relevant to the children in our school using an enquiry- based approach to teaching using original history sources. 

Golden Threads in History:

  • Cultural (Arts, fashion, architecture, education, cuisine),
  • Social (Relationships, class systems, entertainment, justice),
  • Religious (Beliefs, Gods),
  • Economic (Technology, jobs, trade),
  • Political (Government, democracy),
  • Military (Power, war/wealth/land).

What would a typical History lesson look like/ How is it taught?  

In the Early Years pupils begin to discover History through the area of ‘Understanding of the World’ and it is taught here as part of a topic-based approach to learning.  

 In Key Stage 1 and 2 a typical history lesson involves both the learning of new knowledge and the application of historical skills. In addition to this, some lessons are specifically centred around an enquiry- based approach to teaching and learning, allowing children to encounter a rich range of source types to investigate and understand the past. 

Teachers have the flexibility to teach History weekly over the term or as part of a block of teaching. 


Where are resources and lessons planned from? 

Lessons are planned, using the school’s progression document for History. We have designed a meaningful History curriculum to meet the aims of the National curriculum with careful sequencing of knowledge and skills appropriate to each age group. To make the subject further relevant to our children, we have centred our local History topics around coal mining in the area. 

We hope that as our children encounter a rich range of source types they will be exposed to the stuff of History and strengthen their skills in handling primary evidence, forming their own interpretations and the ability to read between the lines 

Important Information


History at Eppleton


History progression Document

History Lead 

Year 1

Mrs Horsfield

Teacher/ History Lead

I love spending time with my lovely family.

To be a computer whizz
The Secret Garden
Calm, happy, kind