Science at Eppleton

At Eppleton Primary Academy School, our vision is to provide a science curriculum which enables our pupils to confidently explore and discover, so that they have a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. We do this through exciting, practical, hands on experiences, which encourage curiosity and questioning. 

Exploring and investigating science in a range of contexts will ensure a growth of knowledge and bank of core skills which will equip our pupils for an ever-changing world. Children are encouraged to use broaden their vocabulary by using specific scientific terms in their investigations and to explain their thinking. 

We promote the use of a variety of texts to initiate scientific enquiry and capture children’s imaginations, as well  as discussing relevant scientists. This gives practical work a purpose and allows children to see how science can be used in real life situations. 

We believe that these opportunities will ensure our children are confident, lifelong learners who will continue to explore the world around them. By improving each child’s science capital our hope is that they see science as an important part of their lives and culture, which will help broaden opportunities and access for the ever increasing range of science related jobs in the future. 

Golden Threads in Science:

Working scientifically (Dual Objectives)

  • Explaining Science (Research)
  • Classification (Identify & Classify)
  • Designing Experiments (Enquiries/Comparative/Fair tests)
  • Data, Tables & Graphs (Pattern Seeking)
  • Making Conclusions (Observation Over Time


Scientific Knowledge & Conceptual Understanding - Biology/ Physics/ Chemistry

  • Biology (Animals including humans / Plants / Living things and their habitats/ Evolution)                                        
  • Chemistry (Materials/ Rocks/States of matter)                                                                                                                          
  • Physics (Forces and magnets/ Seasonal change/ Earth and space/ Electricity/ Sound/ Light)

'We introduce pupils to the language and vocabulary of science which enables them to use the accurate terminology during science explanations. We are proud that our science books show a variety of practical, hands on experiences and investigations'.

What would a typical Science Lesson look like? 

Science at Eppleton Academy Primary School is a core curriculum subject. 

We teach Science in Foundation Stage (Reception and Nursery) as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. Foundation Stage pupils investigate science as part of 'Understanding of the World'. Children are encouraged to investigate through practical experience; teachers guide the children and plan opportunities that allow the children to experience and learn whilst experimenting for themselves e.g. investigating which items float and which items sinks when placed in water. 

In KS1 and KS2 Science is either taught as a discrete lesson, or as part of cross-curricular themes when appropriate. Science has links with other areas of the curriculum including Geography, English, Numeracy, Art and Design Technology. Our progression document describes a sequence of knowledge and concepts, which are built upon from year group to year group. While it is important that pupils make progress, it is also vitally important that they develop secure understanding of each key block of knowledge and concepts in order to progress to the next stage. Teachers have the flexibility to teach science weekly over the term or as part of a block of teaching. 

Where are resources and lessons planned from?


Lessons are planned using the school’s progression document for science. We have planned a meaningful science curriculum to meet the aims of the National Curriculum with careful sequencing of knowledge and skills. Our progression model has been specifically planned to meet the needs of children at Eppleton Academy, with specific links to our area, and have a positive impact on their scientific outcomes. 

BBC Bitesize Science

Resources and Support for Pupils and Parents


BBC Bitesize provide excellent science resources to support KS1 pupils and parents.

BBC Bitesize Science KS1


BBC Bitesize provide excellent science resources to support KS1 pupils and parents.

BBC Bitesize Science KS2

Important Documents


Science at Eppleton


Science Progression Map 2024

Science Lead

Year 1

Mrs Barrow

Teacher/ Science Lead

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