The team at Eppleton Academy Primary School are super staff in every way. They make a difference because they care. Every child at Eppleton will receive the very best teaching, support and care during their time at the school.
Get to know a little more about our team with Teacher Top Trumps.
Headteacher/ DSL
I've lived in Sunderland all my life and have 2 gorgeous girls who I love talking about. If it is a sunny day you will find us at one of the beautiful beaches. I enjoy running and play in a netball team.
Business Manager
I'm married with two children. I love going for walks with Ellis my Cockerpoo. I enjoy visiting the cinema and going on holiday.
Admin Officer
I love spending time with my family especially my two children Freddie and Olivia. I love going on holiday and visiting new places.
Assistant Headteacher/ Teacher / Maths Lead/ Computing Lead/ DDSL
Enjoy travelling, visiting new countries. I am a football fan, supporting Sunderland and enjoy going to gigs.
Assistant Headteacher/Teacher/Early Reading Lead/ PD Lead/DDSL
I love to travel the world, discovering new places and exploring other cultures. I enjoy trying different types of food from the countries I visit. I love spending time with my friends and family.
Teacher/ PE Lead/ RE Lead
I have two sons, who I love going for long walks with and to the beach. I love theme parks, especially the fast rides. My favourite food is garlic.
Teacher/ Literacy & Reading Lead/ Music Lead
I always wanted to be a teacher and love teaching in Upper Key Stage 2. I love to spend time with family and friends, especially with my two little boys, Charlie and Theo.
I enjoy going back home to Leeds to see my family and spending time with my friends. I love musical theatre and used to be a singer and dancer before I became a teacher.
Teacher/ SENDCO/ Art Lead
I love walking my dogs in the fields and at the beach with friends. I have an 18 year old son called Daniel.
Teacher/ French Lead/ Music Lead
Teacher/ History Lead
I love spending time with my lovely family.
Teacher/ Science Lead
I love to take my dog on long walks.
Teacher/ EYFS Lead/ DT Lead
I've been a teacher for 20 years and most enjoy teaching in Early Years. I love to read and my favourite food is chocolate. I am a mam and have two boys at home.
Teaching Assistant
I love spending time with my family and going camping, also I enjoy playing Ice hockey.
Teaching Assistant
I love spending time with my son and family. I enjoy going to the beach and going out for meals. I also love gardening in the sunshine.
I have 2 daughters. I love to travel. I was a medic in the army a long time ago.
I love getting out and about with my two sons, usually to the forest where we like to climb in the trees and play in the streams.
Lunchtime Supervisor
I love my job. I love spending time with my grandchildren and going away on holiday.
Lunchtime Supervisor
I am married and have two children, Olivia age 10 and Eddie age 8.
Lunchtime Supervisor
I love spending time with my daughter Ava and in my spare time I enjoy looking after my horse!
Lunchtime Supervisor
I have 4 grown up children and 5 grandchildren. I love spending time with them. I also enjoy reading different genres of books.
Lunchtime Supervisor
I love spending time with my 4 children, husband and my many pets. I enjoy finding new recipes to cook. My favourite pastime is reading story after story on my kindle
Lunchtime Supervisor and Play-worker
I like to go on holiday, socialising with friends and family and taking my two dogs for a walk.
Site Supervisor
I have two daughters, 2 grandchildren and a Boston terrier dog. I love going on holiday and I am a keen Sunderland supporter.
I like to go on holiday.
Early Help Worker
I have 7 children and a dog. I live near the sea and like to collect sea glass on long dog walks. My favourite food is chocolate.
Kitchen Assistant
I like spending time at our caravan with my family and friends and going abroad too.
Cook in the Kitchen
I like going to Sunderland matches and taking my dog Bella for walks.
Kitchen staff/ Cleaner
I started Eppleton Academy in 2014 working in the kitchen and recently I joined the cleaning team. I love spending time with my partner and 3 daughters. We love our day trips, especially the ones to the fun fair.