Posted on: Wednesday 8th February 2023
This week as part of our 'Toys and Bears' topic we have been reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children have loved acting out this story using puppets and props. They are really good at telling the story with a story teller voice and different voices for the characters in the story. They used different building resources to build a new chair for Baby Bear. They also build a medium size chair for Mammy bear and a big chair for Daddy Bear. We have also been sorting items by size, ordering items from smallest to largest.
The children particularly enjoyed tasting porridge just like Goldilocks. The children tried different ingredients in their porridge to taste the flavour. We added jam, honey, syrup and chocolate. The children tasted all four different types and decided which one they liked best. They were all very tasty but chocolate porridge was definitely the favourite.