Posted on: Friday 16th June 2023

This week as part of our 'Around the World' topic, we have been learning about London. We took a virtual tour around London to see all of the famous landmarks and sites. The children loved Big Ben and couldn't believe how big that clock really was. 

We were very creative this week, building different landmarks such as Big Ben, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace using different building materials. 

We learned about the King and where he lives and what his job is. We decided to make royal crowns because the children remembered when King Charles was presented with his crown on his Coronation day. 

We read a great story, What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday which was based in London too. 

We ended the week with a royal tea party just like the Royal family like to have. The children made their own sandwiches to enjoy along with some yummy biscuits.