Posted on: Friday 17th June 2022

This week as part of our 'Around the World' topic, we have been helping our class Koala to decide where to go on holiday. We have been learning about the names of different countries around the world. We have set up a Travel Agency in the role-play area for people to book holidays and find out more about countries around the world.

This week we have been learning about London. The children already knew some information about London because we talked about it when learning about the Queen's Platinum Jubilee but this week we have been talking about the special landmarks you might see if you visit London. 

The children were fascinated when watching a video of London Bridge opening to let boats through. So, we spent some time our own London Bridge. The children explored different resources in the classroom to find out which one was the best to build a bridge with. 

I wonder where in the world we will learn about next week.