Posted on: Monday 14th November 2022

Thank you everyone for coming to school in your odd socks on Monday in support of Anti-bullying week. All of the children took part is lessons about bullying and the this year's theme of 'Reach Out'.

A special thank you goes to our Well-being Ambassadors who led our Anti-bullying assembly, sharing the important messages about bullying and how to prevent it. We also had two of our Well-being Ambassadors represent our school at the Anti-bullying conference where they took part in workshops all focused around bullying and how to help yourself and others if bullying happens. These children then fed back to the Well-being Ambassadors who now have lots of ideas of actions they can put in place to prevent bullying at our school. They have also made some fabulous posters to display around school to remind children about the importance of being kind and what to do if you experience or see bullying.