Posted on: Sunday 20th October 2019
Today we turned our classroom in a colliery! We used tables and mats to create a dark mine area and had a cart on wheels to use as a corf. We weighed it down to represent the coal, although it was not as heavy as a real corf would have been. We measured the tables and found they are around the height that children would have worked in a mine. This meant we had to crawl on our hands and knees.
We discussed what job we would like to try and most of us wanted to be a hurrier as this looked the most fun! It was really difficult to pull the corf and we needed a thruster to help us by pushing with their hands and head. We decided that although a trapper’s job of opening and closing doors for the corf sounded very boring it would be easier than pushing and pulling the heavy corf. We had lots of fun, but agreed we would not like to do it for 12 hours every day with no light to help us to see!
We will find out more about working in a mine on our trip to Beamish next month. We can’t wait!