Posted on: Friday 11th June 2021

Year 3 took part in an interesting debate about children owning mobile phones.  They began with a class survey to see how many children already owned a mobile phone - 20 out of 24 children stating they have their own phone.  We then discussed the benefits of this, including so parents know where they are while out playing and can get in contact, to keep in touch with friends and relatives, the play games on and for the use of educational apps. We also discussed the risks or negative side of phones such as, reduced social communication with friends and family, online safety risks, impact on sleep and concentration, reduction in physical activity.  Many of the children began the debate believing that owning a mobile was a necessity, however by the end of the debate recognised the need for parent controls and to make sure if they have any worries, they can and must speak to a trusted adult.  Some very mature ideas from Year 3.  We also watched a news report about children owning mobile phones.