Posted on: Tuesday 13th September 2022

During a history lesson the children in Year 3 discussed the term Hunter-gatherers.  They thought about the survival of early humans of the Stone Age era and how they had no shops to buy food, instead having to hunt for meat and forage for berries, herbs and plants.  We discussed how they sometimes find berries while in the outdoors and that these can be dangerous to eat, so we shouldn't unless we are with an expert.  They realised that sometimes the items found by the Stone Age could be a threat or harmful to them, but could also be an asset.  They realised very quickly that survival in pre-historic times, was very challenging!  They decided to be present day hunter-gathers and went searching the school garden for items to help them to survive.  They found: water, fish, apples, nuts, wood, pebbles and stones, plants lots more!