Posted on: Wednesday 17th May 2023
We have been thinking about Reading for Pleasure and what this means. Mrs Huntingdon had shown some teachers have a go at the Book Blanket, so Year 4 also had a go.
Firstly, we spread books from our library across our tables. Then, we walked around the class looking at the different types of books: fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
After this, Mrs Smiles asked us to look for a book that we found interesting. Once we’d found one, we shared why we thought it was interesting. Some reasons were linked to the front cover, some with the title and some with the blurb. Miss Defty even popped in and chose a book that she found interesting.
We also chose a book we found funny – this was a bit trickier as some books just didn’t look funny!
Finally, we chose a book that we’d want to read for pleasure. This book is going to stay on our tables and we will read it in reading time or if we have a spare 5 minutes in class. These books are for us to enjoy and hopefully pass on our recommendations to others.