Posted on: Friday 15th September 2023
What a great week Year 4 have had!
Year 4 are amazing historians! In history, we have been using different sources of information to find out about what daily life used to be like in Ancient Greece. We worked in teams to learn all about how the Greeks used to live and what they used to eat, drink, and wear! Some of Year 4 chose to take notes on what they discovered so that they would be sure that they would remember it all! Be sure to ask Year 4 if you are interested in the Ancient Greeks!
In English this week, we have been continuing to develop our writing skills, including using expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. Our class novel, Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne has also inspired us to write our very own versions of the story, which we have planned this week. Expect to hear all about evil vampires and witches living in the woods!
We have been partitioning numbers to 10,000 in maths this week. We have been making sure that we are all amazing at understanding the place value of numbers up to 10,000. Year 4 have also discovered a favourite new game… Times Tables Bingo!