Posted on: Friday 15th October 2021

Last week in our SMSC session, we explored the 5 ways to wellbeing and decided on activities that we would do for each theme this week for our wellbeing, which included:

  • CONNECT – we made the effort to connect with people we wouldn’t normally: we talked and listened and felt connected.
  • BE ACTIVE – we participated in an active brain break and completed a ‘Just Dance’ workout in the classroom.
  • TAKE NOTICE – we paused and completed short breathing and mindfulness exercises.
  • KEEP LEARNING – We embraced a new experience and learned new valuable skills – basic life support, where we learned how to carry out a primary survey and put someone into the recovery position. We also learned LIONEL, which is a reminder of the information that should be given to the emergency services operator if a 999 call is made (Location, Incident, Other services if they are needed, Number of people involved, Extent of injuries & Location again).
  • GIVE – We gave some of our time to the Y2 children, sitting with them to enjoy reading a book together.